Highest Standards and Quality – Halal and SQF Accreditation

The Company has also been granted Halal accreditation by the Australian National Imams Councils (ANIC) and carries out the recognized procedures of Halal meat using dedicated members in the slaughter process. The Company has developed a HACCP based quality assurance system in conjunction with Industry and Government regulatory bodies to ensure products are of the highest quality. Our sites are also SQF accredited and are licensed by the NSW Food Authority.

The company has been registered with A.Q.I.S. since 1980 opening up the export market to areas including Hong Kong, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tahiti, Pacific Islands, South Africa, China, Vietnam and Dubai.

All raw materials introduced into the meat production process are continually analyzed to meet stringent standards, these range from grains and other materials used in the production of live poultry, eggs for hatching chicks and manufacturing additives used in the final product design.


  1. SFQ 9.0
  2. HACCP
  3. CFMSR
  4. WSEP
  5. Halal Certified
  6. NSWFA
  7. Craveable Brands
  8. Export Licence
  9. ISO 17025
  10. RSPCA
  11. Costco